School Board Election Information

The Montpelier School District has two School Board members whose terms expire June 2021.  They are Robert Froehlich and Abram Valenta. Both are three-year terms.

Individuals who are interested in running for the school board must successfully complete a Statement of Candidacy and a Statement of Interests form.  Both forms must be completed and returned to the business manager no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 5th, 2021. The business manager’s office is located at Montpelier Public School, 214 7th Ave, Montpelier, ND, 58472.

M&M Man!

The third graders had a mystery in their classroom.  Their giant M&M man went missing.  The students found clues to lead them to the M&M.  They also compared fractions using M&Ms and did experiments such as dissolving M&Ms in different liquids.

School Board Meeting Agenda, Minutes, and Bills

On March 10th, there will be a school board meeting. The agenda can be found here:

On February 10th, there was a school board meeting. The minutes can be found here:

On February 24th, there was a school board meeting. The minutes can be found here:

In March, we have some bills to pay. They can be found here:

And, as always, all archived minutes, agendas, and bills can be found here: