I. School District SD
- Amendments SD1110
- ABAC-1 Inclement Weather Policy
- ABAC Virtual Learning because of Weather
- Bullying Policy-ACEA
- Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedure
- Display of Religious Objections or Documents SD1070
- District Goals and Objectives SD1010
- Fire Drills
- General School Information SD1020
- Harmful Substances SD1050
- Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy AAC
- Nondiscrimination Policy Statement SD1030
- Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse-ABCE
- Recording Devices SD1081
- School Medication Program SD1100
- School Year and Calendar ABAB
- Security Cameras
- Section 504 and ADA Grievance Procedure SD1040
- Sexual Offenders on School Property Policy ACCA
- Sexual Offenders Criteria for Granting Parent Offenders Privileges to Enter School Property Policy ACCA-BR
- Title IX Grievance Procedure AAC-BR2
- Tobacco Policy SD1060
- Tornado Safety Information and Drill SD1070
- Website Accessibility Policy-ABDA
- Wellness Policy ABEA
- Whistleblower Protections-ACF
- BCAA Agenda Format
- BCBA-BR Rulees of Decorum at Board Meetings
- BCBA Public Participation at Board Meetings
- BFB Board – Staff relations
- BFD Board Visit at Schools
- BCA Board Communication with the Public
- Curriculum Committee SB
- Compensation and Expenses for Board Members SB2070BBD
- Legal Status SB2020
- Membership SB2010
- Procedure for Adopting Board Policy-BDA
- Procedure for Grievance of the Board SB2080
- School Board Elections and Term of Office SB2060BBA
- School Board Ethics-BA
- School Board Meetings
- The School Board Member SB2030
- Audits-HEBD
- Business Manager Duties
- Cash in School building-HEBB
- Disbursement of School Monies-HCAE
- Federal Fiscal Compliance – Descriptor Code HBAA FM8000
- Fraud Prevention and Investigation-HEBC
- Fund Balance Policy
- HCAF Food Service Procurement
- HCAA Purchasing
- Line Item Transfer Authority-HEAA
- CBAA – Administrative Regulations
- Elementary Principal AD2560
- High School Principal AD2530
- Superintendent Qualifications AD2500
- Alcohol & Drug Abuse Policy PP3040
- DE – Staff code of conduct
- DEBA – Confidentiality
- DED Administrative leave and suspension
- DEBD – Maintaining professional employee-student relationships
- DEBF – Employee Speech
- DEBH – Employee use of social media
- Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace – employees PP3080-DEAA
- Employee safety policy pp3000
- Expenses PP3050
- Food Service Personnel Standards of Conduct DEB1
- Jury duty and court testimony PP3010
- Payroll Deductions PP3060
- Personnel Records PP3030
- Removal of Material from Personnel files (CP4130)
- Sick Leave Bank PP3020 DDAE
- Certification CP4010
- Contracts CP4050
- Grievance Procedure for Teachers CP4180
- Inventories CP4070
- Leaves of Absence CP4060
- Performance Responsibilities CP4020
- Professional Development Plan CP4190
- Reduction in Force CP4040
- Requisitions CP4080
- Removal of material from Personnel files of teachers (CP4120)
- Teacher Evaluation-DFAA
- Substitute Teachers CP4100
- Teacher Preparation Time CP4170
- Teacher’s Work Day CP4090
- Tuition Assistance CP4160
- 403(b) plan CLP5100
- Alteration of Schedule CLP5080
- Cafeteria and Lunchroom Employees CLP5130
- Classified Staff Vacation Leave
- Custodians CLP5120
- General Employment Benefit CLP5000
- Holiday Pay CLP5090
- Non Traditional School Day Leave
- Overtime CLP5070
- Part-time Employees CLP5040
- Payroll Period CLP5070
- Probation Period CLP 5030
- Recruitment Hiring Background Check for New Classified Personnel CLP5140-DBAA
- School Vehicle Drivers
- Sick, Personal and Bereavement Leave
- Absenteeism
- Overnight Trips
- Carrying Weapons ST6380
- Class Dismissal
- Community Service
- Concussion Code ST6410
- Destruction of School Building or Property
- Head Lice Policy
- Destruction of School Building or Property ST6100
- Driving Cars
- Drug use-Abuse Policy ST6140
- Education of Pregnant and Parenting Students ST6420
- Education of Special Education – Disabled Students ST6320
- Education of the homeless Students ST6330
- Emergencies ST6210
- English Language Learners ST6320
- Extra Curricular Activities ST6230
- Extracurricular Transportation ST6240
- FC – Student safety and supervision
- Food and Beverage Policy ST6290
- GDA – Personal Mobile Communication Devices
- Gymnasium ST6120
- Honor Roll-Honor Students ST6110
- Laser Pointers ST6270
- Lockers ST6220
- Open Enrollment ST6340
- Out of Town Events ST6080
- Parties ST6130
- Religious Activities ST6060
- Restraint or Seclusion Policy
- School Bus Rules ST6170
- Searches of Students & Students’ Personal Property
- Smoking, Drinking and Drugs ST6150
- Student Assemblies ST6400
- Student Conduct and Discipline
- Student Dress ST6190
- Student Education Records Access and Amendment Procedure ST6360
- Student Education Records ST6350
- Student Files ST6010
- Student Prayer During Non-Instructional Time ST6390
- Student Publications and Freedom of Expression ST6260
- Student Rights and Resonsibilities ST6370
- Students in Foster Care-FDH
- Students’ Enrollment
- Suspension and Expulsion ST6050
- Telephone Calls ST6090
- Use of Technology ST6300
- Access to Resources and Services in the School Library Media Program INST7050
- Adult Vocational Classes INST1060
- Childfind Referral Program for Students with Disabilities INST7110
- GAAA: Curriculum Design and Evaluation
- Educational Research and Surveys of Students INST7080
- GAAE Critical Race Theory
- GCAA Grade Promotion Retention and Acceleration
- GCAA-AR Grade Promotion Retention and Acceleration Procedure
- GCBA Grading
- Graduation Requirements
- Legal School Holidays INST 1040
- Parent Involvement Policy Title I 2021-2022
- Patriotic Exercises INST7120
- Plan of Organization INST1050
- Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment INST7090
- Recreation Periods INST1030
- GAAC: Review and Complaints of Instructional and Resource Material
- School Activities INST1070
- School hours INST1020
- School Year INST1010
- Sex Education INST7100
- Soliciting INST1080
- Student Achievement GABDA.0616
- Test Exemption Policy
- Test Policy Procedures INST7030
- Title 1 Dispute Resolution Procedure INST7070
- Alternative Food Service GO8520
- Automated External Defibrillators AED GO8000
- Data Protection and Secutiry Breaches GO8560
- Food Service Program GO8510
- Payment of Hot Lunch Accounts
- Public Use of School GO8500
- School Bus Idling Policy GO8520
- Significant Contagious Disease GO8510
- KACA Patron Complaints
- KACB Complaints about Personal
- KACB-1 Personnel Complaint Form
- KACB-E2 Witness Confidentiality
- KACB-3 Responding to Personnel Complaints
- KAAA – Visitors in the Schools
- Patrons-Parents grievance procedure PR9000